Oct 23, 2023
Do you or your client have past-due income or payroll tax returns that still need to be submitted? Are there balances already recorded on an individual or business IRS tax account that you have shied away from addressing? Now is the time to take action to bring those tax account issues to the forefront and get them addressed once and for all.
Recently, you may have seen coverage of the Internal Revenue Service’s news release regarding the growing tax gap. Per the IRS’ own data, the gross tax gap (the amount determined to be truly owed versus the amount of tax that is paid on time) increased to $688 billion in tax year 2021. Danny Werfel, the current Commissioner of the IRS, released this statement:
“This increase in the tax gap underscores the importance of increased IRS compliance efforts on key areas. With the help of the Inflation Reduction Act funding, we are adding focus and resources to areas of compliance concern, including high-income and high-wealth individuals, partnerships and corporations. These steps are urgent in many ways, including adding more fairness to the tax system, protecting those who pay their taxes and working to combat the tax gap.”
I wanted to bring your attention to this as it is the last warning shot across the bow for all taxpayers that the Internal Revenue Service will become increasingly aggressive towards taxpayers who are not in compliance with their filing obligations or who have past-due taxes owed that are not being addressed. The IRS Commissioner is warning us that things are about to get ugly!
What do you do, as a taxpayer or a tax professional, to stop the threatened aggression and prevent the IRS’ renewed vigor from negatively impacting your world? Take action! Seek help! Take the steps necessary to be proactive toward a solution to the tax account situation:
If this warning resonates with you, the team at Golden Lion Tax Solutions is here to help! We can meet with you to discuss the liability, known or unknown, the taxpayer’s current financial condition, their short- and long-term goals, and the resolution options that best fit the situation. With over 24 years of first-hand experience, we have the knowledge and expertise to ensure each taxpayer is protected from aggressive collection actions as a solution to the past-due tax debt is negotiated.
Trust. Protection. Wisdom.
Your future and your family deserve the right protection. Golden Lion Tax Solutions will be your advisor and confidant throughout the entire journey. We guarantee to offer you or your business best-case solutions for your tax debt. We are by your side every step of the way. Start now and get your life back.
For help with your tax debts, email contactus@goldenliontaxsolutions.com or call 833-LION-TAX (833-546-6829)
Disclaimer: There are requirements that must be satisfied in order to qualify for some of the tax solutions we discuss on our website. Not all of our services will be suitable for every client. Golden Lion Tax Solutions is here to help you find the most appropriate solution to fit your situation.