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The Most Common Tax Debt Problem: Who Do I Trust to Help?

Jul 22, 2024

The Most Common Tax Debt Problem: Who Do I Trust to Help?

As I approach my 25th anniversary in the tax debt resolution world, the most common problem that...

Business Owner Vulnerabilities to Trust Fund Assessments: A Case Study

Jul 15, 2024

Business Owner Vulnerabilities to Trust Fund Assessments: A Case Study

Reading about the theories of the various aspects of tax debt resolution is one thing, but hearing...

Sales Tax 101: The Basics for Success

Jul 08, 2024

Sales Tax 101: The Basics for Success

Every business owner has a duty and responsibility to understand the assorted taxes their business...

Can You Really Pay Your Tax Debt at 10 Cents on the Dollar?

Jul 01, 2024

Can You Really Pay Your Tax Debt at 10 Cents on the Dollar?

We’ve all seen and heard the commercials featuring a taxpayer who hired XYZ Tax Debt company, and...

Top Three Grievances Bookkeepers Have With Accountants

Jun 24, 2024

Top Three Grievances Bookkeepers Have With Accountants

In last week’s blog, I shared with all of you the top seven things accountants in Golden Lion Tax...

Top Seven Things Accountants Wish Bookkeepers Knew

Jun 17, 2024

Top Seven Things Accountants Wish Bookkeepers Knew

While representing my clients over the last two and a half decades, I have inevitably forged amazing...

What Happens with a Tax Debt if I Need to Close My Business?

Jun 10, 2024

What Happens with a Tax Debt if I Need to Close My Business?

When someone makes the decision to close a business, it is one of the toughest decisions they will hopefully...

State Tax Debt Resolution

Jun 03, 2024

State Tax Debt Resolution

If you have a state tax debt, I want to share one crucial bit of information first and foremost: the states...

The Stress of a Tax Debt Leads to Some Outrageous Ideas

May 27, 2024

The Stress of a Tax Debt Leads to Some Outrageous Ideas

When our futures look bleak, let’s face it… some pretty wild ideas pop into our minds. In Chapter 7 of my book,...

Offering a Helping Hand to Tax Professionals

May 20, 2024

Offering a Helping Hand to Tax Professionals

Over the last few years, there has been a big push for tax professionals to expand their services offered...

It Truly Is Easy-to-Digest! (A.K.A. An Excerpt From My Book)

May 13, 2024

It Truly Is Easy-to-Digest! (A.K.A. An Excerpt From My Book)

A few weeks ago, my book “Tax Debt Rule #1: There’s ALWAYS a Solution” was released. I know that the tax...

ANNOUNCEMENT: “Tax Debt Rule#1: There’s ALWAYS a Solution” has been released

Apr 29, 2024

ANNOUNCEMENT: “Tax Debt Rule#1: There’s ALWAYS a Solution” has been released

A year ago, the idea of writing a book, let alone one about tax debt, seemed ridiculous to me. However...

In Observance of the Busiest Time of the Year for the Tax World

Mar 25, 2024

In Observance of the Busiest Time of the Year for the Tax World

The Golden Lion Tax Solutions team knows that the next few weeks will be, to put it bluntly, “bonkers”...

When It’s Appropriate to Get a Tax Debt Resolution Professional Involved

Mar 18, 2024

When It’s Appropriate to Get a Tax Debt Resolution Professional Involved

When notices from the IRS or state are hitting your client’s mailbox faster than a prairie fire with a...

Hiccups and Bumps in the Road That Can Be Handled During a Resolution Plan

Mar 11, 2024

Hiccups and Bumps in the Road That Can Be Handled During a Resolution Plan

We know that unexpected circumstances happen as a business’ days, weeks, and months go...

The Sticky, Icky World of IRS Audits and Why They Shouldn’t Make You Tremble

Mar 04, 2024

The Sticky, Icky World of IRS Audits and Why They Shouldn’t Make You Tremble

Let’s face it… everybody has a fear of being called out for a tax audit. Even the squeaky-cleanest taxpayer...

Why Golden Lion Tax Solutions Offers Divorce Mediation Testimony Services

Feb 19, 2024

Why Golden Lion Tax Solutions Offers Divorce Mediation Testimony Services

Over the last 24-plus years, I have encountered hundreds of tax debt...

What Golden Lion Is and What Golden Lion Isn’t

Feb 13, 2024

What Golden Lion Is and What Golden Lion Isn’t

I have found in today’s world; everyone wants to have an array of talents and services...

Tax Debt Support From Golden Lion Tax Solutions

Feb 05, 2024

More Support Than You Could Imagine

Whenever you feel like you aren’t sure what to do about a situation or whether you should...

The Inspiration for Golden Lion Tax Solutions

Jan 29, 2024

The Inspiration for Golden Lion Tax Solutions

With so many tax debt resolution companies out there, why did I feel there was a need for...

When It Comes to Tax Debt, There Is ALWAYS a Solution!

Jan 22, 2024

When It Comes to Tax Debt, There Is ALWAYS a Solution!

Many taxpayers suffer sleepless nights knowing they have a tax debt or unfiled tax returns...

Standing Together to Take the Taboo Out of “Tax Debt”

Jan 15, 2024

Standing Together to Take the Taboo Out of “Tax Debt”

The phrase “tax debt” used to be said in hushed tones between a client and their tax professional...

Why Choose Golden Lion Tax Solutions

Jan 08, 2024

You've Found Golden Lion Tax Solutions

We’ve all seen the commercials on TV or heard the ads on the radio: “I owed $500,000 to the IRS, I hired...

Golden Lion Tax Solutions

Jan 01, 2024

Happy 2024!

A new year has ushered itself into our lives, and with it comes hope. Hope that this new year will be better than...

With Appreciation at This Special Time of the Year

Dec 25, 2023

With Appreciation at This Special Time of the Year

The holiday season brings a time of deep reflection on everything we have in our lives and...

I Disagree with an IRS Decision; Do I Have Appeal Rights?

Dec 18, 2023

I Disagree with an IRS Decision; Do I Have Appeal Rights?

What happens when a taxpayer receives a decision or determination from the Internal Revenue...

What Does a Taxpayer and An Ostrich Have in Common?

Dec 13, 2023

What Does a Taxpayer and An Ostrich Have in Common?

When you read the title of this blog, I bet you thought, “Morgan, what in the world are you...

It’s the End of Another Business Year ALREADY???

Dec 04, 2023

It’s the End of Another Business Year ALREADY???

It’s almost the close of another year and that means it is time to start preparing the...

Divorce and Taxes

Nov 27, 2023

Divorce and Taxes: What To Do When A Tough Situation Is Compounded With A Tax Bill

The end of a marriage is never an easy time… it is often fraught with disagreements about...

Injured Spouse Relief

Nov 20, 2023

Injured Spouse Relief: We Aren’t Talking About a Trip and Fall

Picture this scenario: you are newly married, enjoying your first year of marital bliss, and come...

Innocent Spouse Relief Golden Lion Tax Debt

Nov 13, 2023

With the IRS, Is It Possible to Be Deemed “Innocent” For an Income Tax Bill?

As part of our blog series focusing on marital tax situation woes, we want to review how an unsuspecting...

Tax Debt Relief

Nov 06, 2023

Wedding Bells and Tax Bills

Starry-eyed brides and grooms are typically all-consumed with the upcoming nuptials:...

The 2022 Filing Season is Officially Mostly Over

Oct 30, 2023

The 2022 Filing Season is Officially (Mostly) Over… Now What?

As we all exhale following the October 16th deadline (except for those of you with ongoing...

the IRS is Coming

Oct 23, 2023

Batten Down the Hatches and Sound the Alarms... the IRS is Coming

Do you or your client have past-due income or payroll tax returns that still need to be...

IRS and State Tax Penalty Abatements: Myth or Reality?

Oct 18, 2023

IRS and State Tax Penalty Abatements: Myth or Reality?

Let me start by confirming the rumor: yes, it is true that the IRS and most State tax agencies will consider forgiving, or...

Why Reasonable Compensation Is A Concern for Business Owners and Tax Professionals

Oct 09, 2023

Why Reasonable Compensation Is A Concern for Business Owners and Tax Professionals

Any business owner will tell you that there are definitely a lot of perks...

Death and Taxes

Oct 02, 2023

Death and Taxes

We have all heard a reference to the famous quote made by Benjamin Franklin about death and...

Why Taking Out A Loan To Pay a Past-Due Tax Debt Is Something You Should Consider

Sep 25, 2023

Why Taking Out A Loan To Pay a Past-Due Tax Debt Is Something You Should Consider

So, you or your client have accrued past-due income taxes or past-due...

Tax Liens and Real Estate: How a Certificate of Subordination Comes into Play

Sep 18, 2023

Tax Liens and Real Estate: How a Certificate of Subordination Comes into Play

In our last blog, we covered tax liens recorded against real estate and how...

How a Certificate of Discharge Can Help

Sep 11, 2023

Tax Liens and Real Estate: How a Certificate of Discharge Can Help

When a tax debt is owed to the Internal Revenue Service or State Taxing Authority, more often than not,...

941 Tax Debt Solutions

Sep 04, 2023

Federal Tax Liens: What Do They Actually Mean?

Every taxpayer in the United States of America has a groomed fear of the Internal Revenue Service. Upon...

Trust Fund Recovery Penalty Assessments

Aug 28, 2023

Pulling Back the Curtain with Trust Fund Recovery Penalty Assessments

Anyone who employs workers under W-2 guidelines has an obligation to withhold taxes from the employee...

How an Initial Audit Determination Isn’t the Final Word With the IRS

Aug 14, 2023

How an Initial Audit Determination Isn’t the Final Word With the IRS

If you sent a question to your family, friends, and colleagues asking them what their biggest fear is...

Tax Debt Solutions

Aug 07, 2023

Freedom of Information Act Requests and How They Help a Taxpayer

We have all heard the stories of reporters and citizens submitting Freedom of Information Act requests....

Filing Taxes on Time: Why It’s a Big Deal

Jul 24, 2023

Filing Taxes on Time: Why It’s a Big Deal

Let’s face it… “adulting” can be a real pain in the backside. So many responsibilities to tend to, and....

Is it a Hobby or a Business

Jul 17, 2023

Is it a Hobby or a Business?

When it comes to taxes, you know the rules we all have to follow are boundless. And when you have a business,...

Taxpayers Have Rights

Jul 10, 2023

Taxpayers Have Rights!

There is a huge misconception that taxpayers do not have rights when dealing with the IRS. A taxpayer...

Happy Independence Day from Golden Lion Tax Solutions

Jul 03, 2023

A Message from Golden Lion Tax Solutions on Independence Day

The Golden Lion Tax Solutions team believes that we live in the best dang country in the world: the...

Employee Retention Tax Credit

Jun 26, 2023

What is the Employee Retention Tax Credit and Schemes to Watch Out For?

The Employee Retention Credit, or ERC for short, is a refundable tax credit offered to businesses ...

Correctly Categorize Workers as W-2 or 1099

Jun 19, 2023

Why Is It So Important to Correctly Categorize Workers As W-2 or 1099?

This is a popular topic for business owners and one that could have a significant impact on the ...

Reasonable Compensation Tax Solutions

Jun 12, 2023

What You Need to Know About Reasonable Compensation

In a previous blog, we discussed Reasonable Compensation Analysis Reports and briefly touched on...

The Various Collection Actions the IRS Can Take

Jun 05, 2023

The Various Collection Actions the IRS Can Take

With the IRS announcing they will be resuming pre-Covid collection levels this month, it is essential to know...

Golden Lion Tax Solutions

May 29, 2023

The Ins and Outs of Innocent Spouse Relief

There have been whispers of innocent spouse circulating throughout the tax world. But what exactly is an innocent...

SEDs of Tax Debt Solutions

May 22, 2023

The Primary SEDs of the IRS Alphabet

When working with the IRS, one can get lost in the alphabet soup of the references tossed about as easily as...

How does my Past-Due Tax Debt Seem to Grow Overnight?

May 15, 2023

How does my Past-Due Tax Debt Seem to Grow Overnight?

So you file a personal income tax return and there’s a tax balance due that you can’t pay. Now what? The IRS or...

Making Sense of the IRS Fresh Start Initiative with Golden Lion Tax Solutions

May 08, 2023

Making Sense of the IRS Fresh Start Initiative

You’ve probably heard ads on the radio, scrolled passed ads online, or seen television commercials touting...

Installment Agreements for Tax Debt Solutions

May 01, 2023

An Overview of Installment Agreements

Installment Agreements, more commonly referred to as Payment Plans by the States, are the most common...

Offer In Compromise Tax Debt Solutions

Apr 24, 2023

How to Reduce a Tax Debt if you are Not an Offer in Compromise Candidate

If you are not an Offer in Compromise candidate, there are still ways to request a reduction in your...

Credible Tax Debt Solutions

Apr 17, 2023

Is this real or am I being scammed?!

One of the scariest things is being told you have a tax debt and being threatened with the police showing...

Offer in Compromise Tax Debt

Apr 10, 2023

So You Owe a Tax Debt and Want to Know if You Are an Offer in Compromise Candidate?

We’ve all seen the commercials… there’s usually a couple standing in front of a...

1040 Tax Debt Solutions Colorado

Apr 03, 2023

Trust Fund and Personal Responsibility Assessments in a Post-Covid World

When an individual or group decides to open a new business, it’s a very exciting time. The possibilities are...

Tax Debt Solutions

Mar 27, 2023

How to Best Prepare In Case of an Audit

As a taxpayer, one of the most dreaded letters you can receive from the Internal Revenue Service is the one...

1040 Tax Debt Solutions

Mar 20, 2023

What Sets Us Apart from Other Business Formation Companies

There is no more exciting (and often nerve-wracking) time in your life than when you decide to start...

Common Tax Resolution Terms Explained

Mar 13, 2023

Common Tax Resolution Terms Explained

If you have had any exposure to the U.S. tax world, you have probably heard some of these phrases:...

“To Extend or Not to Extend?”… That is the Question

Mar 06, 2023

“To Extend or Not to Extend?”… That is the Question

Income tax return filing extensions… wow, are they convenient when something happens in your life, and...

The Most Common Notices Issued by the IRS and What They Mean

Feb 27, 2023

The Most Common Notices Issued by the IRS and What They Mean

I’ve always loved receiving mail. Why you ask? The possibilities of what could be found in the box: a...

The Importance of Having a Reliable and Trustworthy Tax Return Preparer

Feb 20, 2023

The Importance of Having a Reliable and Trustworthy Tax Return Preparer

Our company’s focus in the financial world is on a small, often unknown corner of the tax industry:...

S-Corp Reasonable Compensation Audits

Feb 13, 2023

S-Corp Reasonable Compensation Audits

Reasonable compensation for S-Corporation officers can always be the tax return line item to open...

Employment Tax Requirements for Small Businesses

Feb 06, 2023

Employment Tax Requirements for Small Businesses

Operating a small business with employees can be extremely rewarding but also demanding in ways...

Basic Information You Should Know About Common Tax Debt Resolution Options

Jan 30, 2023

Basic Information You Should Know About Common Tax Debt Resolution Options

Having a tax debt can be daunting. You’re probably wondering whom you can talk to for help and...

My IRS Tax Lien was Released; Why Would I Need a Lien Withdrawal?

Jan 23, 2023

My IRS Tax Lien was Released; Why Would I Need a Lien Withdrawal?

Many clients come to me with the following questions about their tax liens: I had a tax debt...

Wage Garnishments: One of the Biggest Threats to W-2 Taxpayers with a Tax Debt

Jan 16, 2023

Wage Garnishments: One of the Biggest Threats to W-2 Taxpayers with a Tax Debt

Imagine this: you have worked hard for your employer for the last two weeks, and when you receive your...

Passport Revocation or Denial for Unpaid Taxes

Jan 11, 2023

Passport Revocation or Denial for Unpaid Taxes

How can a taxpayer’s tax debt allow the IRS to impact their U.S. passport? The IRS can inform the State Department...

Start the New Year By Facing Your Tax Debt

Jan 02, 2023

Start the New Year By Facing Your Tax Debt

It’s 2023! The excitement from the holidays is dying down, and we are all working on re-focusing...

New Year, New Resolutions

Dec 27, 2022

New Year, New Resolutions

It’s that time of year when everyone is reflecting on what habits they would like to focus on and...

Business Formation the Right Way

Dec 21, 2022

Business Formation the Right Way

Exciting news! You want to form a business but need help figuring out what to do or where...

As an Officer of an S-Corporation, am I Claiming Enough “Compensation”?

Dec 12, 2022

As an Officer of an S-Corporation, am I Claiming Enough “Compensation”?

This is something your accountant or CPA may have spoken with you about… the notion of “reasonable...

Help! Is This a Tax Lien or a Levy?

Dec 05, 2022

Help! Is This a Tax Lien or a Levy?

Internal Revenue Service and state tax liens and levies are often confused...

What Are Community Property Laws, and How Do They Impact My Tax Debt Issue?

Nov 30, 2022

What Are Community Property Laws, and How Do They Impact My Tax Debt Issue?

The first thing to understand about community property laws is that they...

What Can I Do to Get Some Peace of Mind Before the Holidays?

Nov 22, 2022

What Can I Do to Get Some Peace of Mind Before the Holidays?

For most, the holiday season can be one of the most exciting times of the year. It’s a time to celebrate with...

Tax Debt Resolution Companies: Friend or Foe???

Nov 14, 2022

Tax Debt Resolution Companies: Friend or Foe???

Let’s say you have a tax debt, and without knowing what direction to head, you log onto Google and type...

One Tax Professional’s Viewpoint on the “IRS Army of 87,000 Agents”

Oct 31, 2022

One Tax Professional’s Viewpoint on the “IRS Army of 87,000 Agents”

Over the last few months, all political sides of the mainstream media have shared some information about...

Taking the Mystery Away from Individual Estimated Tax Payments

Oct 07, 2022

Taking the Mystery Away from Individual Estimated Tax Payments

When it comes to tax debt, one area which seems to generate a great deal of confusion for taxpayers is...

The Golden Lion Difference: You Do Not Have to Face Your Tax Debt Alone

Sep 30, 2022

The Golden Lion Difference: You Do Not Have to Face Your Tax Debt Alone

If you're struggling with tax debt, you're not alone. Millions of Americans face this same challenge every...

What in the World is a Trust Fund Recovery Penalty?

Sep 26, 2022

What in the World is a Trust Fund Recovery Penalty?

If you are a business owner with employees, you are responsible for withholding a portion of their...

23 Years In and Still Passionate

Sep 21, 2022

23 Years In and Still Passionate

23 years… when I stop to think what that actually represents, it’s shocking: 276 months, 1,196 weeks, 8,395...

What is Currently Not-Collectible?

Sep 16, 2022

What is Currently Not-Collectible?

When it comes to finding suitable tax debt solutions to fit your needs, one of the options that could be available to...

Am I An Injured Spouse or an Innocent Spouse?

Sep 12, 2022

Am I An Injured Spouse or an Innocent Spouse?

Filing a joint tax return with your spouse has many benefits. However, what you may not know is that...

How to Handle a Federal or State Tax Lien

Sep 07, 2022

How to Handle a Federal or State Tax Lien

If you are an individual or business owner with outstanding tax debts, you may be facing the...

What is Tax Debt Resolution?

Sep 02, 2022

What is Tax Debt Resolution?

If you are struggling with tax debt, there is a good chance that you are feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed. ...

How to Resolve Your 941 Tax Debt Problems

Aug 31, 2022

How to Resolve Your 941 Tax Debt Problems

One of the most common services our business clients approach us about is 941 tax debt solutions. The ...

How to Spot a Tax Debt Resolution Scam

Aug 29, 2022

How to Spot a Tax Debt Resolution Scam

If you are dealing with tax debt, there is a good chance that you could be feeling...

Why You Need Professional Representation for Tax Audits and Appeals

Aug 24, 2022

Why You Need Professional Representation for Tax Audits and Appeals

If the IRS or State has notified you or your business that an audit is pending, it can be...