When you have outstanding tax debt, the IRS is focused on collecting what they are owed as soon as possible and will employ aggressive collection tactics with that goal in mind. Often our clients just need some breathing room to allow for a life event to occur, which will allow them to address the tax debt. These requests are frequently rejected by the IRS who will often only offer up to 30 days to settle the account. Don't take "no" for an answer!
At Golden Lion Tax Services, we have the experience and knowledge to allow us to step in and negotiate on your behalf to Facilitate Full Payment at a later date allowing you to get your finances in shape before settling your tax debt. We can also assist with Balance Adjustments if the IRS has estimated your tax balance owed due to the non-filing of your tax return, or because incorrect income has been reported. We know how daunting it can be to argue your case with the IRS in these types of situations which is why we are prepared to step in to support you in securing the right tax debt solutions for your needs.
Disclaimer: There are requirements that must be satisfied in order to qualify for some of the tax solutions we discuss on our website. Not all of our services will be suitable for every client. Golden Lion Tax Solutions is here to help you find the most appropriate resolution strategy to fit your situation.